Universal design for learning (UDL) is a significant framework that helps optimize the way that learners are able to engage with information (CAST, 2018). It is an important tool made for a diverse group of end-users to help accommodate the wide variety of approaches to learning so as to overcome existing barriers of learning opportunities (CAST, 2018). There are currently three principles to UDL (Durham College, n.d.):
- Provide Multiple Means of Representation: “Present information and content in different ways”
- Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression: “Differentiate the ways that students can express what they know”
- Provide Multiple Means of Engagement: “Stimulate interest and motivation for learning”

For our interactive learning resource, my group members and I have chosen to design for English language learners (ELL) and for individuals who do not have access at home but has a mobile phone with a data plan. We are currently in the process of refining our learning context to students that are in grades 10-12 pursuing self-paced studies through WordPress. Keeping UDL in mind along with our group of learners, here are a few brief ideas to be considered to help accommodate for their needs:
- Show clear navigation of blog posts (headings, subheadings, etc.) to make content logical and understandable; utilize a mobile-friendly layout that accommodates content on smaller screens
- Include a variety of content delivery (images, videos, written & audio); resources that include closed captions are preferable
- Provide definitions and translations for key terms and encourage peer-to-peer support
- Use proper instructions and rubrics and to demonstrate clear expectations of assignments and activities
CAST. (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from http://udlguidelines.cast.org
Durham College. (n.d.) Overview of 3 UDL Principles. Retrieved from https://durhamcollege.ca/ctl/teaching/planning-to-teach/udl/3-udl-principles/#:~:text=Universally%20designed%20curriculum%20provides%20students,accommodation%20for%20students%20with%20disabilities.
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